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Jinchoge Flowers
It's already spring here in Kyoto. The scent of Jinchoge (沈丁花, Winter daphne), announces the arrival of spring here in Japan, and make...
Asebi Flowers (Japanese Andromeda)
In Nijyushi-sekki (二十四節気, 24 divisions of the year in Japanese old almanac), the day of Keichitsu (啓蟄) was on March 6 this year. It is...
Dandelion and Adonis Flowers
After the arrival of plum blossom season, Tanpopo (たんぽぽ, Dandelion) and Fukujyuso (福寿草, Adonis) flowers can be seen on many grassy...
Camellia at Kurotani-san
The Konkai Komyou-ji (金戒光明寺), also known as Kurotani-san (くろ谷さん), is an old temple in Kyoto established by Honen Shonin (法然上人, the...
Cherry Blossoms at JR Momoyama Station
The wind is still cold but I can feel spring is drawing near. I saw early blooms of winter cherry at JR Momoyama station. They look so...
Roubai Flowers at Kyoto Gyoen National Garden
Some hints of spring are showing up all around in Kyoto. Sweet scents of plum flowers are in the air. At Kyoto Gyoen National Garden...
White Plum Blossoms at Kyoto Gyoen National Garden
It's getting to be the season for plum flower viewing. Today, Hanami (花見) usually means cherry blossom viewing. However, in the Nara...
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