In KIMONO world, there are so many patterns. Patterns with symbols for good fortune, classy and traditional ones, seasonal ones, ones with flower or animal motifs. If you are a KIMONO lover, you will be so excited just to take a look at those colorful patterns.
YUMEYAKATA offers even more greater lineups to you, ranging from retrospect to modern ones, classical to pop ones. There really are so many kinds at YUMEYAKATA and you will forget the time. Please enjoy choosing your dream KIMONO.
As for my own preference, my favorite pattern is Tsubaki (camellia) flower. Some people don't like Tsubaki because its flower falls all of a sudden and it reminds of beheading somehow...On the other hand, Tsubaki is said to be named after its rich-shining leaves (Tsuya-shining, Ba-leaf, Ki-tree). From ancient times, Tsubaki has been believed to chase evils away and loved by Japanese people.
YUMEYAKATA also offers the pretty Tsubaki patterned KIMONOs.
→click here to see new patterns.
It’s a lovely idea to incorporate Tsubaki patterns in your bag or other items.