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Beauty at Your Feet

Among the required subjects during the MAIKO training, there's the KYO-MAI (Kyoto Style dancing) class. In the lessons, MAIKOs are strictly taught about the importance of beauty in the movement of feet. In the world of Japanese dancing, we don't refer to it as "walk" but "move the feet".

In an essay titled "Sutekina Anatani (for Wonderful You)" by Ms. Shizuko Ohashi, the founder of "Kurashi no Techo" magazine, there's a description about the beauty of clean TABI socks. Please imagine, it's a twilight time, in a shadowy room, a pair of faintly gleaming white TABI socks emerges in your view...

Footwear for KIMONO is ZOHRI (Japanese sandals) plus TABI socks.

Footwear for YUKATA is GETA (clogs) on bare feet.

An owner of long-established ZOHRI store in Kyoto used to say: Beauty remains there when you take your ZOHRIs off. It is more important than the beauty when you are wearing them.

KIMONO fashion must be completed with a pair of right ZOHRI. You are in the stage of KIMONO master if you are able to produce beauty by the movement of your feet, in addition to the loveliness of the well chosen ZOHRI.

Click here to see a blog by Former MAIKO "Do You Know?".


Alquiler de Kimonos en Kioto YUMEYAKATA│Gojo Shop

〒600-8103 京都市下京区塩竈町353     Acceso


353, Shiogama-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan

Horario de atención al cliente 10:00~17:30 (entrada hasta las 16pm)

Cerrado del 31 de Diciembre al 3 de Enero

Línea Telefónica en el extranjero(English) 075-354-9110

FAX 075-354-8506


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