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The famous Russian news program "Vremya" came to Yumeyakata Oike Bettei!

On February 18th, the team from famous Russian news program "Vremya", aired on Channel One Russia, came to our Oike Bettei shop to discover the kimono experience!

The reporter, Ms. Usmanova, came to our shop to see how the kimono rental process works, but also to know more about kimonos, such as the meaning of the patterns, the trends, etc. ★

There are so many colors and patterns, it is difficult to choose! (◎_◎;)

The program team filmed the whole dressing process, and counted every single item to be used during the dressing: if you count the strings and small items, there are in total about 20 pieces used to dress someone in a formal dress!

Ms. Usmanova finally chose a dark purple Furisode, very elegant and gorgeous! ✨

The program should be aired around this spring. Stay tuned! ★


- Channel One Russia website:

- Yumeyakata Oike Bettei shop - Premium kimonos:

Alquiler de Kimonos en Kioto YUMEYAKATA│Gojo Shop

〒600-8103 京都市下京区塩竈町353     Acceso


353, Shiogama-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan

Horario de atención al cliente 10:00~17:30 (entrada hasta las 16pm)

Cerrado del 31 de Diciembre al 3 de Enero

Línea Telefónica en el extranjero(English) 075-354-9110

FAX 075-354-8506


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