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Jinchoge Flowers

It's already spring here in Kyoto.

The scent of Jinchoge (沈丁花, Winter daphne), announces the arrival of spring here in Japan, and make everybody's heart uplifted. At the yard of my parents house, I remember there was a Jinchoge tree. Since it was my father's favorite flower, I still feel the presence of my father every time I see Jinchoge tree blooming.

The tree was introduced from China in the Muromachi (室町) period.

It's sweet scent is listed as Japanese three top scented tree. FYI, other two tops are Kinmokusei (金木犀, Fragrant olive)

and Kuchinashi (くちなし、gardenia). It is said that the scent of Jinchoge is the most stronger among others.

I love pretty Jinchoge flowers. Please enjoy the spring in Kyoto in YUMEYAKATA Kimono.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Certificate 1st Grade Holder


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