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Lotus Flowers at Dairen-ji Temple

Dairen-ji (大蓮寺) at Sakyo-ward is a long established temple of Jodo sect of Buddhism (浄土宗), which is known for the divine favor of easy delivery. The kanji characters of Dairen-ji mean a temple of big lotus flower, and as it suggests, a countless number of beautiful lotus flowers are blooming in this season.

As lotus flowers emerge from the mud to bloom, the flower is regarded to represent the teaching of Buddhism. The view of the flowers come into blossom with the sun comes up from the east is nothing but heavenly. It's just like a re-projection of Gokurakujodo (極楽浄土, the heaven, the land of happiness after death).

It's worth to visit the temple in this season to see the Gokurakujodo before your very eyes.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


3 mins. on foot from Higashiyama-Niohmon, Kyoto city bus




Alquiler de Kimonos en Kioto YUMEYAKATA│Gojo Shop

〒600-8103 京都市下京区塩竈町353     Acceso


353, Shiogama-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan

Horario de atención al cliente 10:00~17:30 (entrada hasta las 16pm)

Cerrado del 31 de Diciembre al 3 de Enero

Línea Telefónica en el extranjero(English) 075-354-9110

FAX 075-354-8506


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